Welcome to The Breath Temple, where ancient wisdom meets modern science in a space dedicated to Breathwork.

I’m Madeline, a certified holistic, trauma-informed Breathwork Practitioner, passionate about guiding you on a journey of self-discovery, transformation and holistic healing through the power of your own breath.

The Breath is a direct bridge to our nervous system and gateway to the innermost parts of self. Our mission is to awaken, empower and inspire you on your journey, sharing Sacred Breathwork in a grounded, somatically-intuitive, nervous-system led and trauma-informed approach to Breathwork.

The Breath Temple holds private and group breathwork sessions and workshops in Brisbane Australia and Online. See our Upcoming Events and Breathwork Immersions below to begin your journey with Breath!

Breathwork Facilitator Brisbane

Breathe with us


  • Michelle, on Sacred Breathwork

    "After attending one of Madeline's beautiful women's circles, she told me about how breathwork had changed her life, and I knew I wanted to try it.

    I didn't know much about conscious connected breathwork before the journey, but Madeline explained everything clearly and walked me through how the session would unfold. She created a beautiful, safe and calm ceremonial space where all parts of me were welcome. She made us the most delicious cacao which we drank while talking before the deep work started.

    Her voice was very soothing and reassuring throughout, and she used a mixture of beautiful smells, sounds and music to evoke different feelings within me. My first journey was like nothing I had experienced before. I went deep inside my unconscious and started to unravel old patterns and bring meaning to issues in my life. My whole body was filled with tingles; made primal noises, moved, laughed and cried, and everything was welcomed.

    After the journey had finished, we had tea and debriefed about the session, which was helpful to bring meaning to what I had just experienced. I loved the nervous system regulation that this breathwork journey bought, and Madeline gave me easy ways to incorporate it into my daily life. Madeline truly has a gift when it comes to facilitating breathwork journeys, and I cannot wait to do another one and see what unfolds"

  • Heather, on Sacred Breathwork

    “Madeline was recommended to me by a friend, who was singing the praises of her own breathwork journey, as it really helped her find insight and clarity after a period of feeling stuck. I had recently relocated to Brisbane and found every part of my life in state of flux. New home, new job, new friends, newly single and an empty nester … so it felt appropriate that I tie up any loose ends from my past including a few niggling health issues, in preparation for manifesting a bright new life and future for myself.

    The session was nothing like I imagined and at the same time more than I could have dreamed. Madeline has created a calm, open and supportive environment that makes you feel completely relaxed and safe. She explained everything clearly and was open to any questions or direction, and she held space for whatever was coming up for me in the moment and in reflection afterwards.

    My particular journey offered me insights into my health issues which have change my perspective and helped to partly resolve them. I feel the rest will resolve itself as I move forward. I am so impressed with the oxygen medicine approach that I will definitely go on another journey with an intention to look at and perhaps offer healing to different parts of myself and my life. It’s now my turn to recommend Madeline and the journey work she facilitates… it’s an amazing experience for anyone interested in personal and/or spiritual growth.”

  • Shell, on Sacred Breathwork

    “Thank you for creating such safe and calming space. As soon as I step into the room, it felt calm and welcoming. I felt so frazzled before we started so I was so thankful that you took time to some guided relaxation with me first.

    Secondly, the way you gave open permission to feel and took the time to explain all the different things I could experience was so helpful. You made me feel free to feel and embark on experience. It felt good to be able to be allowed to listen to my body and do what I thought I needed. So many times doing meditation I’ve struggled to stay still so this was so different. The things that came through for me were a bit confronting about children and letting love in. So I think it was such a valuable session to start addressing these aspects of my life.

    It was a surreal experience and I think so much of that was from the environment you created, the coaching and safety you provided as well as the music that felt that it engulfed me. I wanted to be calm and focused before our session and I definitely felt that after”

  • Olivia, on Women’s Gatherings

    “I had the pleasure of joining a women’s circle and guided meditation hosted by Maddie.

    I was guided through a deep restorative meditation; Maddie’s voice takes you into an immersive, peaceful journey through the elements weaving in powerful animal allies.

    To be vulnerable, honest and authentic in a group of women who were initially strangers is a very powerful and emotional experience. I felt held in the safe space to voice my feelings and felt lighter and more at peace once awaking.

    I couldn’t recommend this experience enough for women who are wanting to re-connect with themselves or just some time out of their busy week for self care. Whether you are going through a particularly hard time or just want to experience a deep relaxation, Maddie creates a calming and safe space to go through this.

    Maddie has a truly special gift of making you feel grounded and at ease - I can’t wait for the next women’s circle”

  • Mish, on Sacred Breathwork

    “My first breathwork session with Madeline was really special! Her passion for this practice shone through as she delved into the science behind it, taking the time to explain the intricacies and reasons behind each step of the process and what to expect (which I loved). Her abundance of knowledge & passion was evident, but what stood out was her calming presence and gentle soul-nourishing support throughout the session.

    The breathwork journey left me feeling serene and grounded. Madeline carefully helped me process some suppressed emotions held in my body, creating a safe and sacred space that felt truly profound. I was actually a bit blown away by the sensations within my body during this process, it felt very visceral and energetic.

    I was in awe of the thoughtful details that engaged all the senses - from the enchanting altar and flower offerings to the use of sacred smoke, essential oils, and soul-soothing music. This experience was beautiful. I recommend it to anyone seeking inner balance and emotional release. Thank you again”

  • Brianna, on Sacred Breathwork

    "Participating in the Cacao and Breathwork session facilitated by Madeline was a transformative experience for me.

    Madeline created a nurturing and accepting space that allowed me to come as I was, and be fully present. The breath work journey was a powerful conduit for releasing pent-up energy, allowing me to find some clarity and deeper understanding of some things bubbling up within. I am looking forward to joining her again in the future"

  • Alicia, on Sacred Breathwork

    “Words of wisdom that came through: Energising. Connection to self. Lightening of the load. Free expression. Claiming my desires. There was an unknown, yet powerful shift in energy during this Breathwork Journey. I feel that these experiences are often so out of touch with how we live day to day in life that words and our language cannot comprehend what occurs. Space was created. Clarity was gained. A glow in my energy and my skin.

    Maddie, as always, your ability to hold such safe, nourishing, beautiful space is incredible. Experiencing a form of breathwork that creates space for an energising practice but as a space for healing, expression and nervous system rest in a trauma-informed way is like nothing I have ever experienced yet could be such a powerful practice for so many people.

    Each time I step into your breathwork space, I feel a deep presence of the elements I know you lovingly and intentionally weave in, from the earth altar, the music, the words and sound healing instruments”








Sacred Breathwork is a transformational, self-healing modality that works on all layers of our being; taking into account the interconnectedness of the physical, emotional, subconscious & energetic. A truly holistic, nourishing & immersive experience guided by the wisdom of your body, intuition & intelligence of your Breath.

Breathwork Benefits you may experience:

  • Soothe, unwind & regulate the nervous system

  • Restore safety & presence in the body

  • Increased oxygenation enhances vitality, energy, nourishment to cells & tissues

  • Release tension or contraction

  • Dissolve mental, emotional or energetic blockages

  • Return to your centre, grounded & anchored in your body

  • Make your skin glow

  • Enhance detoxification

  • Enhance mental clarity & focus

  • Promote restful sleep

  • Forge new neural pathways

  • Illuminate subconscious beliefs, disempowering or limiting narratives

  • Deepen one’s connection to self, experiencing a sense of “returning home"

  • Boost creativity & inspiration

  • Re-awaken your intuition & innate body wisdom

  • Feel empowered, embodied & reclaim your worth

  • Reinvigorate & re-enliven the spirit, through dissolving feelings of being stuck, stagnant, lost or uninspired

  • Reclaim empowerment & sovereignty on your healing journey

and so much more… this is the medicine of Sacred Breathwork, where you have the opportunity to recalibrate, renew and return home to all that you are in your fullness and most authentic expression, through somatically-intuitive, body-based and nervous-system led breathwork.

Breathwork Brisbane

Discover a practice that makes you



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The Breath Temple acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live, meet

and work, the Quandamooka, Turrbul and Yugerra People. We walk gently and respect the

Elders of this place – past, present and future.