Our Services

  • Private Sessions

    Private Breathwork sessions offer individualised support, tailored to your personal needs and intentions. These sessions can be 1:1 or Couples Breathwork (with a partner, best friend or family member). Private sessions are currently online via zoom, and available Australia wide.

  • Group Breathwork Immersions

    Group Breathwork is a powerful way to connect in community with likeminded people, and the group energy can amplify the experience. After the Breathwork session, we hold space for sharing, processing and integrating your experience together, inviting community and connection. We regularly offer both in-person and online immersions. Open to all, anyone welcome.

  • Sacred Feminine Breathwork & Women’s Gatherings

    Merging Feminine Breathwork Styles and Women’s Circle to create a safe, open and sacred space to ground, recalibrate and connect with like-minded women. You are invited to come as you are, in your fullness and be held, supported, celebrated and empowered wherever you are on your journey.

  • Events/Workshops

    Conscious Connected Breathwork is a powerful addition to an event, retreat or as workshops within Coaching or Leadership programs. Get in touch to collaborate or customise a Breathwork experience for your event, retreat, program or coaching container. We can also customise sessions for small groups in both private and corporate settings.

Breathwork in nature

Breathwork Techniques we offer

Sacred Breathwork

The Sacred Breath Method is a holistic, trauma-informed, body-based and nervous-system led approach to conscious, connected breathwork.

Sacred Breathwork was created by Sacred Breath Academy Founder, Kaya Leigh as a more nourishing, therapeutic and parasympathetic-driven alternative to Breathwork journeying.

The Sacred Breath Method is a profound transformational and self-healing modality that invites spaciousness and freedom of expression through your personal process of healing, releasing, reclaiming or awakening.

We work with the principles of opening, allowance and receptivity, alongside a gentle increase in oxygenation and descent into deeper layers of self. The Sacred Breath incorporates longer, spacious and nourishing journeys, regenerative savasana, post breath integration and intentional spaces for sharing, processing and connecting, so you may integrate and ground the experience/insights into your body for lasting effects. We invite and encourage intuitive, free-form and uninhibited movement, sonic or emotional expression into the space, led by the innate intelligence of your body and breath. Sacred Breathwork creates a holistic and immersive experience through ceremonial, intentional and safe containers, incorporating healing instruments, soul-invoking music and essential oils.

We work with a nourishing nose-inhale breath cycle to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest, restore, recalibrate system) that evokes body safety, nervous system coherence and full system recalibration. During breathwork, it is important to first establish somatic safety and nervous system regulation before any deeper healing, emotional rebalancing or subconscious work can be explored!

Nervous system regulation is the missing piece to healing, and is an essential place to start before any deeper subconscious, emotional or inner work can be explored.

Gentle and Feminine Breathwork

Madeline also works with other techniques such as Gentle Yin Breath, Heart-Womb, Dragon Shakti and Kundalini-Tantric Breathwork. Gentle Yin Breathwork is perfect for those who have sensitive nervous systems, are pregnant or may be on the contraindication list for Sacred Breathwork.

Heart-Womb, Dragon Shakti and Kundalini-Tantric Breath are potent Feminine Breathwork modalities that re-awaken your feminine power, shakti energy and divine feminine intelligence that exists within the womb space. The foundation of these techniques are the Sacred Breath Method, with additional elements woven throughout.

“Words of wisdom that came through: Energising. Connection to self. Lightening of the load. Free expression. Claiming my desires. There was an unknown, yet powerful shift in energy during this Breathwork Journey. I feel that these experiences are often so out of touch with how we live day to day in life that words and our language cannot comprehend what occurs. Space was created. Clarity was gained. A glow in my energy and my skin. Maddie, as always, your ability to hold such safe, nourishing, beautiful space is incredible. Experiencing a form of breathwork that creates space for an energising practice but as a space for healing, expression and nervous system rest in a trauma-informed way is like nothing I have ever experienced yet could be such a powerful practice for so many people. Each time I step into your breathwork space, I feel a deep presence of the elements I know you lovingly and intentionally weave in, from the earth altar, the music, the words and sound healing instruments”

Alicia, on Sacred Breathwork Journeys


Heart-Womb Breathwork

Heart-Womb Breathwork (also called Sophia Breathwork) connects & unifies the two sacred feminine centres; the heart and womb space. Through this nourishing, yet potent practice, we remember, awaken and embody our innate feminine energies & our power that exists within.

Awakening the heart-womb circuitry through breath may:

  • Ignite your heart-centred creativity through merging the creative power of the womb with loving awareness & intention of the heart.

  • Restore balance & harmonic flow between the heart and womb energy centres

  • Awaken & embody your feminine essence, inner wisdom & knowing

Kundalini-Tantric Breathwork

A unique form of breath-based movement that clears emotional & energetic debris from the body & awakens your kundalini energy. Kundalini-Tantra merges deep rhythmic breathwork with spinal undulations and breath locks (bandhas). We work specifically with Root Lock (Mula Bandha) Breathwork. This activating & rejuvenating breath may stimulate flow of prana to the pelvic bowl and reproductive organs to enhance nourishment and vitality, awaken sensual energy and restore a sense of safety and embodiment in the pelvic region.

Dragon Shakti Breathwork

A Shamanic Feminine Breath technique that awakens & activates the inner Shakti energy. We connect rhythmic breathing with somatic movement that empowers you to reclaim your fullness, expansiveness & freedom. Dragon Shakti is an invigorating, activating & transformational practice, where you may:

  • Open your heart & re-awaken your inner feminine energy & shakti power

  • Feel empowered to reclaim all that you are in your full & sovereign expression

  • Activate feminine sensual & creative energies


  • Yes - we offer Online Breathwork Sessions as Group Journeys or 1:1 appointments.

    We offer one-off transformational experiences or breathwork packages depending on your needs and intentions. We are also open to customising breathwork packages for you, get in touch to discuss further.

    Madeline also facilitates monthly Online Breathwork for Sacred Breath Academy (SBA), these sessions are available worldwide.

  • Initial sessions are longer (2 hours). We typically begin dropping into the presence, practicing the Sacred Breath Method and discussing all that may arise during the journey so you feel empowered, informed & inspired.

    Subsequent sessions are 1.5 hours depending on your unique experience and needs, this includes the Sacred Breath Journey as well as space for slowly reawakening, journalling, integrating and processing afterwards. This is deeply transformative work where we are shifting into expanded states of consciousness and changing the brainwave, and thus cannot be rushed!

    The journey will be accompanied by soul-invoking music and vocal guidance, and I will intuitively weave in sound healing instruments, sacred smoke and essential oils throughout (if in person)

    Afterwards, we will have space for processing and integrating your experience, as well as connecting in community if this is a group immersion/workshop.

  • The Sacred Breath Method is a holistic, nourishing and trauma-informed approach to breathwork journeys, that allows nervous system coherence, somatic unwinding and emotional alchemy.

    Learn more here:

  • Yes - please read the below to determine if Conscious Connected Breathwork is for you.

    Please consider the below before booking a session, as there are certain contraindications to ensure safety.

    Conscious, connected breathwork results in certain physiological changes in the body and also can also cause intense physical and emotional release. These sessions are safe, transformative and deeply healing, however breathwork may sometimes cause the following to arise:

    • Tingling

    • Buzzing

    • Vibrating

    • Trembling, shaking or other physical sensations, including spontaneous physical movement

    • Tetany (tightness or cramping in the hands or jaw- you will be guided on how to work with it and manually release it should it arise)

    • Somatic (body) unwinding

    • Deep emotional experiencing, release and catharsis. Experience the full spectrum of emotions (anything and everything from laughter, tears, grief, pain, anger to bliss, joy, ecstasy and anything in between).

    • Trauma release

    • Access or unlock inner wisdom and intuition

    • Experience feelings of love, peace, compassion, gratitude, pleasure, joy, bliss, creativity, inspiration and passion

    • Experiencing life force energy (prana) moving through your body

    • Unlocking repressed sensual/orgasmic/shakti energies

    • Ecstatic, kundalini awakenings (usually for more advanced journeyers)

    • Expanded states of consciousness, mystical or transcendental experiences

    As a safety precaution, the following conditions are contraindicated for breathwork journeys.

    ***Before continuing to book a session, please inform me if you are experience any of the following. You may email me at, to discuss if a Gentle or Yin alternative breath is available for you.

    • Pregnancy (at any stage)

    • Severe PTSD or trauma

    • Actively using recreational drugs

    • Taking any medications that alter brain chemistry (anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, ADD, OCD etc)

    • Prescription blood thinners or anti-clotting Medications

    • Osteoporosis

    • Detached Retina

    • Glaucoma

    • Kidney disease

    • High Blood Pressure, cardiovascular disease, including angina, previous heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia or other cardiovascular issues, including pericarditis/myocarditis.

    • Uncontrolled thyroid conditions

    • Diabetes (any type)

    • Severe Asthma— for mild to moderate asthma, we can discuss a modified or gentle alternative but you must bring your inhaler to the session

    • Epilepsy

    • Diagnosis of aneurysm of any kind

    • History of seizures, strokes or other brain/neurological condition or disease

    • Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, psychosis or previous psychiatric condition

    • Severe psychosomatic disorders

    • Infectious or Contagious Disease

    • Recent surgery, stitches or major injury

    • Hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last 10 years. Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect ability to engage in any activities that involve deep physical and/or emotional release.

    • The mRNA COVID Vaccination: At this time, clients must wait a minimum of 60 days after their final dosage with NO SIDE EFFECTS to engage in Breathwork. If you do have side effects or it has not been 60 days, we are happy to offer you a more gentle breath alternative.

    If you are on the contraindication list, you are not a candidate for the full breathwork technique, but we are happy to discuss if a gentle alternative is suitable for you.

  • The number & frequency of breathwork sessions is highly subjective & varied, and depends completely upon what you are experiencing, your unique needs & intentions.

    Some may notice immediate benefits after just one session, while others may require multiple sessions.

    I typically reccomend starting with a minimum of 3 sessions to allow a deep exploration & integration. However ‘one off’ breakthrough sessions can also incredibly transformational. It is important to remember to be gentle and compassionate with yourself and your process. Healing is not linear and not everything is always resolved in one session.

    I love to think of Breathwork as an ever-evolving practice & another tool in your tool kit. Just as your meditation practice deepens overtime & becomes more profound, so too does your Breath practice.

    Breathwork slowly peels back the layers of resistance, conditioning, subconscious beliefs, narratives, emotional textures and imprints. Once these layers have been dissolved, released or integrated, the breath becomes an infinite gateway to inner wisdom, intuitive knowing, insights, clarity, vision and beyond…

    The possibilities are infinite, limitless and the experience deepens, evolves and becomes more profound each time you journey.

  • It is a completely personal choice as to whether you attend a group breathwork or book private sessions. Please consider the below, and if you are still unsure, reach out and we can discuss which may be most suitable for you.

    A group breathwork immersion invites community & connection alongside the breathwork experience. The group environment can heighten the energy, and you will hear others breathing around you and moving through their individual process, which can further give you permission to go deep within too! There is space for connecting in circle after the journey, and you can learn a lot from others personal experiences and insights. While it is welcomed & encouraged to share to process & integrate your experience with other breathers, it is absolutely not mandatory or required.

    If you have something deep you are moving through or require personalised support, then private sessions may be best for you to begin with. Private sessions are completely tailored & personalised to your individual needs, where you can explore, emote and express in a private and safe space while recieving dedicated support throughout your process. I also recommend private sessions for those sensitive to the energy of others or triggered by emotional processing.

  • Madeline is a certified facilitator of the Sacred Breathwork lineage; a holistic, trauma-informed, body-based and nervous-system led approach to conscious, connected breathwork.

    The Breath Temple offers journeys and immersions sharing the Sacred Breath Method as well as Sacred Feminine Breathwork styles of Heart-Womb, Dragon Shakti and Kundalini Tantra.

    A gentle, modified alternative breath may also be available/suggested for you this is more aligned & supportive for your personal needs.

    It is essential to work with a style of breathwork that suits your body, nervous system & personal needs. If you are ever unsure, reach out and we would love to support you.